I do believe your car will be more than fine to drive 15 miles, probably
many more than that. I don't have an answer for you on which parts to use
but here is what I do know. I just pulled my tranny last week to replace
the clutch fork bushings and pin (this could also contribute to your
problem) While you have to slide under the car to get a couple of bolts of
the bell housing, there isn't any real reason to put the car up on stands.
After a lot of groaning last week end some friends of mine and I decided it
is easiest to pull the whole engine and tranny and work on it out side the
car, than it is to pull the tranny through the inside and pull out the
interior (lining up the tranny and engine isn't a breeze this way) but
again this is just an opinion. I wish you the best of luck, since I am in
Florida I will be unable to help. Drink one for me.
Patrick Bowen
'79 Spit
At 11:12 AM 5/28/98 -0400, Kevin B. Rhodes wrote:
>Thanks to everyone who replied! The consensus seems to be either the release
>bearing or the fingers on the cover, with one person urging me to check the
>thrust washers (God I hope it's not that - will check first though). Wouldn't
>screwed up cover fingers cause shifting problems though? It shifts fine
>it's just noisy and springy feeling. Geuss I won't know till I have it apart.
>Now for my next series of questions:
>Any tips on taking it all apart - I know the gearbox has to come out through
>the cockpit, but is it necessary to get under the car to get at all the
>bolts -
>in other words do I need to have it up on jack stands?
>I have heard that I will need a mixture of clutch parts because I have a 69
>1300 motor and a 77 gearbox with O/D. I am assuming that if I want to replace
>the clutch I will need a 69 clutch cover and a 77 clutch plate (23 spline).
>Correct? Or is there more to it? Moss only lists 71 and up covers, will this
>work? I may try to get ahold of the PO, he built it in the first place! ;-)
>Is it safe to drive it like this for the 15 miles to my folks place where I
>work on it or should I have him flat bedded up there?
>Anybody in Maine want to help - I'll supply any brand of Beer! ;-)
>Kevin Rhodes
>Portland, Maine
>Freddy the sick Spit