I am know coming to the time when fixing speekers into my Spitfire is
now nessecery. So, I had a look around for sutable places to fix
Speakers. Having remembere the sugestions that came out of the thread
on this a while back, I ruled them out because of different pratical
issues. Like my type a speeker, and the fact I wan't to here them with
the top down.
Where I here you ask have I descided to put them? My chosen place is
along a line that can be drawn between the top of the B Post, and the
seat belt pivot point on the wheel arches. Just in front of a pannel
This was chosen because the shape of the compartment there has a very
high volume, excelent base responce, and can be reasonalby well sealed
againsed noise. The fiber board is on a curve, which I believe will
stop down it's transmition of 180 deg phase sound. Indeed if you were
to think of it as a snail shell type speeker you could get down to 120
Hz with a high efficancy.
My problem is my pannels there are probebly the nicest pannels in the
car. I would hate to reck them, so I wan't to make pattens of them.
Has anywone managed to make copys these? How would I go about it
without loosing a fingure with a Stanly knife. What the best method of
copying cutting, and covering these pannesl?
James Carpenter
Yellow '79 spit wired by a trained marmot