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Re: Point Gap quick question

To: Brad Kahler <Brad.Kahler@141.com>
Subject: Re: Point Gap quick question
From: Trevor Boicey <tboicey@brit.ca>
Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 17:32:01 -0400
Brad Kahler wrote:
> Hey listers,
> Quick question on point gaps.  If I just readjust the point gap on my
> spitfire distributor do I have to readjust the carbs?  I know I have
> to do the timing adjustment but I'm trying to avoid doing the carbs
> because I think they are adjusted properly.

  As always, check and see. If you change the timing your carbs might
be off, but it is quick to check.

  Likely, you won't have to, but if you do, you'll be better off
adjusting than just ignoring. It's no big deal.

Trevor Boicey, Ottawa, Canada.
tboicey@brit.ca, http://www.brit.ca/~tboicey/
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