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Re: Ongoing clutch problems

To: spitfire@worldchat.com
Subject: Re: Ongoing clutch problems
From: "BJ Martin" <bj_martin@hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 04:51:09 PDT
>Reply-To: Chris Taylor <spitfire@worldchat.com>
>When I removed the clutch slave cylinder and
>dismantled it I decided to replace it this weekend.
>After trying to bleed it the normal way and having no
>luck I borrowed a Mityvac system and tried that.
>My problem is I seem to be pulling a Horrendous
>amount of air through all the time. I'm now wondering
>if my master cylinder is shot as well.Does this seem a
>correct assumption and would it be possible to pull air
>past the front seal in large quantities?
>Is it worthwhile rebuilding this or should I bite the bullet
>and replace it also???

Having rebuilt both rear wheel cylinders, the clutch master and slave, 
I'd say rebuild it. I had good luck overall. I suspect your huge air 
leak is from around the bleed screw and not through the system. For 
bleeding, I found it useful to "just" tighten the screw down and 
pressurize the system with one hand on the pedal and then crack open the 
bleed screw. Retighten before the pedal stops traveling. For rebuilding, 
get increasingly finer wet/dry sand paper to wrap around the hone (the 
stock stones are way too coarse). 300 and 600 have worked. In later 
attempts, I went down to 1500. I find (without a ton of miles on the 
rebuilds) that you can take out some pretty nasty looking defects in the 
bore and they still seal. brent

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