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Re: Running Doggy

To: Vic Whitmore <vicwhit@idirect.com>
Subject: Re: Running Doggy
From: James <james.carpenter@ukaea.org.uk>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 13:27:33 +0000
Light tan meens a healthy plug, but I think reading the plugs gives to
mainy false ideas of what's going on.  There are too mainy variables
unless you realy have a lot of experience at reading plugs, don't all
you need to know is, cracked = replace plugs, oily = new engin. 

The correct way to tell if your too rich or lean is to use the test
facility provided by SU, there is a pin on each carb.  

Check your valve clearences, this is best done with the clicky valve
adjusting tool's which also tell you if you have a weak valve spring. 

With the car warm, and running nice, lift the pin so the piston lifts .2
of an inch.  If the rpm's change and then go back to normal your in
tune.  If they go up, your too rich, if they go down your too lean. 
Look in they hayns manual for the correct expelnation.  

Repeat for the other. 

Also check for vacume leaks,  you did put new head to manifold gasguet
on, with no oil or seeling compounds.  Put a bit of greese round the
butterfly spindle. 

Then expolore the timing, check the various advances vs rpm's.  

You did get a diferent needel fitted when you changed your jet's do a
different type. 

James Carpenter
Yellow '79 spit wired by a trained marmot

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