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Metal Etching

To: spitfires@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Metal Etching
From: "Brad Kahler" <Brad.Kahler@141.com>
Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 22:39:34 -0600

I'm in the process of metal etching a frame prior to painting and am 
wondering about what I should expect to see afterwards.  Right now 
I've done about have the frame and the finish is interesting to say 
the least.  I was led to believe after reading the directions that 
the surface would turn a light gray in color.  What I'm experiencing 
is a lot of light gray but mixed in with that is a rusty looking 
color that almost looks like a stain.  The frame has just been sand 
blasted so I'm fairlyl confident that there is no rust anywhere.  
This stain comes in streaks and splotches and I can't seem to figure 
out what is causing it, or if its normal.  I've followed the 
directions on the container, brush on, wait at least three minutes, 
wipe the excess off witha damp cloth and then wipe dry with dry rags.

How about it, can any body explain these results?


Brad  (In Lincoln Nebraska 402-464-1502)

1964 Spitfire4            BFC25720L (Back on the Road!!!!!)
1966 TR4A                CT72398L (Car is finally home and ready for 
1951 Dodge Truck    82217766  B-3-B-108 (Frame back in garage and ready to 

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