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Re: Spitfire starting/wiring problems

To: "Chris Sharp" <sharpc@hqce.aetc.af.mil>
Subject: Re: Spitfire starting/wiring problems
From: "Chris Prugh" <prubrew@ix.netcom.com>
Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 15:44:03 -0700

    Thanks for the input.  It seems the solenoid is wired in reverse
(somehow).  I switched the white/red with the white/yellow and got the
continuous spark, but the starter motor continued to run.  Went back to the
old solenoid, wired like I had the new one the first time, and all was well
again.  Go figure !

    I'll be calling Nigel at SpitBits where I got the new solenoid, and ask
if there is any past history of this kind of thing, or if maybe he sent me
the wrong solenoid. (although the two LOOK identical)

Thanks again,

Chris Prugh
72 Spitfar
Morgan Hill, CA
Triumph Travelers Sports Car Club
Publicity Director
TTSCC is the host Club for Triumphest 1999
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Sharp <sharpc@hqce.aetc.af.mil>
To: prubrew@ix.netcom.com <prubrew@ix.netcom.com>
Date: Sunday, April 12, 1998 3:10 PM
Subject: re: Spitfire starting/wiring problems

> I've had similar problems w/ my 85 Jeep (I honestly believe that AMC
>had Lucas design the electrical system!)
> I traced my problem to a failed starter switch.  With the key in the
>"on" position, you should read ~6 to 8 volts (depending on type of ballast
>resistance).  With key in the start position, the ballast resisor is
>bypassed and you should read ~12-14 volts (depending on battary condition,
>starter load, etc.)
> I'm pulling this from memory and I'm not sure what year spit you have,
>I could be way out in left field (some would say that's where I'm usually
>found...)  But it sounds to me like the best place to start is at the coil
>and work your way back to the ignition switch.  Shouldn't be too
>complicated if you have a multi-meter and a good wiring diagram.
> I'll be at the office checking mail etc. for the next 30 min or so.
>Going TDY to Georgia all next week.  I'll help anyway I can if you can get
>back to me before I have to head to the house.
>Capt Sharp/CEPR/sharpc@hqce.aetc.af.mil/DSN 487-6200/COM 210-652-6200
>Original Text
>From: "Chris Prugh" <prubrew@ix.netcom.com>, on 4/12/98 1:14 PM:
>Okay kids,
>    I'm at home with daughter #2 (who has a 102 fever), missing out on the
>family Easter feast :(
>    I figure while she is down for a nap, I'll swap out my questionable
>original solenoid for the new one I just got.  Sounds like a fairly easy
>swap...no?  Justunplug wires and plug in on new solenoid, fasten down
>and solenoid to firewall.
>    Turn the key...cranks just fine, but only wants to catch when I release
>the key.  Pull off coil wire and test for spark.  Get initial spark as key
>turns to starter motor position, but no spark while cranking.  Get another
>spark as I turn key off.
>    How did I do this?  What wires did I inadvertantly misfit?  A little
>background re: ignition:
>Mallory Dual point dizzy
>Mallory coil
>Crane  EI Sytem
>Mallory ballast resistor
>All fully functional this morning before I swapped out the solenoid.  Help
>me Dan Masters...wherever you are
>Thanks in advance, I'll be sitting here waiting for the Masters to resume
>till I get some assistance
>Chris Prugh
>72 Spitfar
>Morgan Hill, CA
>Triumph Travelers Sports Car Club
>Publicity Director
>TTSCC is the host Club for Triumphest 1999

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