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[Shotimes] '91 windshield

To: <>, "_ShoTimes" <>
Subject: [Shotimes] '91 windshield
From: "K. Angermeier" <>
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 09:28:12 -0500
Sorry if this is a stupid question.

Will a regular Taurus windshield fit on a SHO?

My thought is possibly getting one out of a junk yard to replace the one that
is chipped and cracked on the car now.

Autoglass Specialists want $250 bucks to replace the current one.  I am just
trying to be cheap since we have sunk so much damn money in that car to get it
back on the road, I am very broke right now.


Kris Angermeier
Sheboygan, WI

'91 Plus Wht/Blk
'91 Plus Wht/Blk (crushed)
'93 Ultra Red ATX

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