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Re: [Shotimes] OT - BMW 540i for sale

Subject: Re: [Shotimes] OT - BMW 540i for sale
From: "Mike Wojton" <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 12:06:48 -0400
I didn't mean to bring a flame war down on Paul (though it is fun reading).
It just irks me that there's always someone who has to belittle someone for
no rational reason.  The guy asked if someone could run some VIN numbers
through Carfax for him.  If you can't provide him with what he needs, then
there's no reason to say anything at all.  Opinions are neither right nor
wrong, but not everybody has to conform to either one.

Besides, the world's not made up of nothing but wanna-be-racers (no offense
to anybody who's a weekend racer).  People buy what they buy because that's
what they want and it's their money; regardless of the reasons.  Let them be
forcryingoutloud.  I'll have to make a mental note not to let the list know
what I replace my car with next year, no matter what it is.

Mike Wojton
Dover, PA

   -'95 White MTX
      '96 Brake Upgrade
      Eibachs (front)
      Dynomax catback

"Avoid the clap." - Jimmy Dugan

On 7/26/06, Dave Garber <> wrote:
> You don't do the Porter routine very well, Paul. Stick to what you're good
> at
> (and let us know that is!) and let Ron take care of the VOD stuff.
> Interesting comments about the ATX from someone who has never owned a MTX
> before. How many years did you own that 93 ATX?
> Paul chucks the ATX SHO for a MT BMW and now he's an expert at what
> constitutes a 'real' car. Thanks Paul! I needed a good laugh!
> Dave Garber
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Paul L Fisher
> To: 'John Stout' ; ;
> Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 11:15 AM
> Subject: RE: [Shotimes] OT - BMW 540i for sale
> Isnt a V8 SHO an oxymoron? They stopped making SHOs in 95.
> Is your Zoom Zoom a stick or auto?
> Paul L Fisher
> Visit my website:
> Amsoil dealer:
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