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Re: [Shop-talk] refriderator question

To: "Tim ." <>
Subject: Re: [Shop-talk] refriderator question
From: Jeff Scarbrough <>
Date: Sat, 6 Aug 2022 13:31:59 -0400
Cc: Shop Talk <>
References: <>
Can't speak to your problem exactly, and with considerable knocking on
wood, I relate this tale:

I retired at the end of December 2021.  In January, our 9+ year old
refrigerator (not GE) did similar - it struggled with freezer temps on
occasion, but mostly maintained the refrigerator compartment.  This
particular fridge cools the freezer with coils, and the refrigeration
section with a small van and a motor driving a flap to let frozen air
into the refrigerator part.  That it was cooling fine but not freezing
led me to the same conclusion, after checking everything else I could

I called in the guy everyone in town recommended,and while he didn't
seem to be particularly trained on the nuances of this model, he did
two things:  First, he changed a relay that starts the compressor, but
it quickly was determined that that wasn't the problem (he did leave
the new part in, left me the old part,and did not charge for that).
The second thing he did was add a charge port and put  a shot of freon
into it.  That quickly got things right,and he said that it probably
has a slow leak, and will need either the coils replaced because it's
almost impossible to find a leak, or replace the whole thing.  So, we
started shopping.  Sure enough, we found a good candidate, but had a
hard time finding one available in a time of global shortages.
Meanwhile, the fridge is holding OK, but showing some worrying
fluctuation.  One day in February the stars aligned, as the freezer
compartment had risen to 14 degrees the night before,and I found what
I wanted was actually in stock.  So the next morning, I set out as
newly retired to spend two grand I didn't really want to spend to
replace a 9 year old refrigerator.  But just before I pressed "send",
I happened to look inside the fridge, and the freezer was happily at
zero degrees again.

Since then, there are some days where we might go in the freezer to
get ice or food,and it might rise to 3 or 5 degrees (no higher), but
overnight it always goes back to zero.  Thus the copious knocking on
wood, and it continues to do the job, albeir not perfectly, but well

Cost us $130 for the service guy to come oput and look it over, try
some stuff, shoot a bit of charge, and give us the bad news.  And in
our case, it bought us six months and counting, with no indication of
the problem returning.   I dunno if that helps you, but the gamble
paid off for us...

On Sat, Aug 6, 2022 at 12:21 PM Tim . <> wrote:
> approx 15 year old GE "profile series". I've replaced the fan motor three 
> times over the years.
> Now it seems to not want to get cold enough. It has been hovering around 40 
> degrees for a few weeks now and the freezer at zero. Both are 4-6 degrees 
> warmer than where they are set.
> Is this fridge getting ready to take a shit on me? Or is it maybe just in 
> need of a freon charge?
> thanks all
> tim
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