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Maybe just white painted posts would be enough=2E Where I reverse park my c=
ar I have a white plant pot which makes it easier to spot where the edge is=
On 17 September 2020 16:02:00 BST, Jim Franklin <jamesf@groupwbench=2Eorg>=
>I did the lollipop snowplow reflectors and they kept twisting in the
>wind so I'd need to go correct them every once in a while, plus they
>looked hokey=2E But, they worked=2E A reflector post, like on roadsides, =
>a 4x4, now you have me thinking=2E One issue that comes to mind is,
>people walking up the driveway could trip on them, especially when the
>garage carriage lights are relatively bright compared to everything
>else in their field of view and would blind them to ground based
>Maybe I need some kind of top reflector as well=2E Hmm=2E=20
>> On Sep 17, 2020, at 9:53 AM, Donald H Locker <dhlocker@comcast=2Enet>
>> Would reflector posts work for you? Good reflectors would be very
>> visible, cost less, and require less maintenance than lighted
>> <https://www=2Etrafficsafetystore=2Ecom/road-markers/set-of-ten> As lon=
>> your reversing lamps work and the snow is not _too_ high, these will
>> visible=2E
>> To make them directional, paint the side you don't want visible=2E
>> HTH,
>> Donald=2E
>> --
>> *Plain Text* email -- it's an accessibility issue
>> () no proprietary attachments; no html mail
>> /\ <https://www=2Egeorgedillon=2Ecom/web/html_email_is_evil=2Eshtml>
>> On 2020-09-17 9:31 a=2Em=2E, Jim Franklin wrote:
>>> It's impossible to back down my driveway at night because of the
>lack of light, so I need to add something=2E Ideally I'd have something
>like this; double ideally they'd be directional so they were only
>visible to someone backing down the driveway=2E And they'd need to be
>somewhat stout to deal with weather, errant feet, etc=2E, but I think
>that's mostly an installation issue=2E Have any of you done anything like
>>> The project in the link below is a bit more complex than I want to
>get into but it gives you an idea=2E I'd like solar powered with a
>daylight sensor=2E I don't have an easy way to run power to the driveway=
>The bulky pathway lights at $30 apiece is way out of budget=2E=20
>>> https://www=2Epinterest=2Ecom/pin/14847873742968238/
>>> thanks,
>>> jim
>>> _______________________________________________
>Donate: http://www=2Eteam=2Enet/donate=2Ehtml
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Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail=2E Please excuse my brevity=2E
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<html><head></head><body>Maybe just white painted posts would be enough=2E =
Where I reverse park my car I have a white plant pot which makes it easier =
to spot where the edge is=2E<br><br><div class=3D"gmail_quote">On 17 Septem=
ber 2020 16:02:00 BST, Jim Franklin <jamesf@groupwbench=2Eorg> wrote:=
<blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0=2E8ex; bor=
der-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); padding-left: 1ex;">
<pre class=3D"k9mail">I did the lollipop snowplow reflectors and they kept=
twisting in the wind so I'd need to go correct them every once in a while,=
plus they looked hokey=2E But, they worked=2E A reflector post, like on ro=
adsides, on a 4x4, now you have me thinking=2E One issue that comes to mind=
is, people walking up the driveway could trip on them, especially when the=
garage carriage lights are relatively bright compared to everything else i=
n their field of view and would blind them to ground based obstacles=2E <br=
><br>Maybe I need some kind of top reflector as well=2E Hmm=2E <br><br><blo=
ckquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"margin: 0pt 0pt 1ex 0=2E8ex; border-=
left: 1px solid #729fcf; padding-left: 1ex;">On Sep 17, 2020, at 9:53 AM, D=
onald H Locker <dhlocker@comcast=2Enet> wrote:<br><br>Would reflector=
posts work for you? Good reflectors would be very<br>visible, cost less, a=
nd require less maintenance than lighted markers=2E<br><<a href=3D"https=
afficsafetystore=2Ecom/road-markers/set-of-ten</a>> As long as<br>your r=
eversing lamps work and the snow is not _too_ high, these will be<br>visibl=
e=2E<br><br>To make them directional, paint the side you don't want visible=
=2E<br><br>HTH,<br>Donald=2E<br>--<br>*Plain Text* email -- it's an accessi=
bility issue<br>() no proprietary attachments; no html mail<br>/\ <<a hr=
On 2020-09-17 9:31 a=2Em=2E, Jim Franklin wrote:<br><blockquote class=3D"gm=
ail_quote" style=3D"margin: 0pt 0pt 1ex 0=2E8ex; border-left: 1px solid #ad=
7fa8; padding-left: 1ex;">It's impossible to back down my driveway at night=
because of the lack of light, so I need to add something=2E Ideally I'd ha=
ve something like this; double ideally they'd be directional so they were o=
nly visible to someone backing down the driveway=2E And they'd need to be s=
omewhat stout to deal with weather, errant feet, etc=2E, but I think that's=
mostly an installation issue=2E Have any of you done anything like this? <=
br><br>The project in the link below is a bit more complex than I want to g=
et into but it gives you an idea=2E I'd like solar powered with a daylight =
sensor=2E I don't have an easy way to run power to the driveway=2E The bulk=
y pathway lights at $30 apiece is way out of budget=2E <br><br><a href=3D"h=
blockquote><hr>Shop-talk@autox=2Eteam=2Enet<br>Donate: <a href=3D"http://ww=
> <a href=3D"http://autox=2Eteam=2Enet/archive";>http://autox=2Eteam=2Enet/a=
rchive</a><br><br>Unsubscribe/Manage: <a href=3D"http://autox=2Eteam=2Enet/=
e></blockquote></div><br>-- <br>Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail=
=2E Please excuse my brevity=2E</body></html>
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