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[Shop-talk] wifi router again

Subject: [Shop-talk] wifi router again
From: "Matt" <>
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2016 17:02:23 GMT
Full-name: "Matt" <>

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 I have been messing around with my home network for many months a littl=
e here and there with mixed results.I had been planning to make use of s=
ome old b/g routers to add range but after running cat5e around the hous=
e found that the old routers didn't have the capability to set for AP on=
ly.  I thought the wife and daughters would be happy with wired so ran s=
ome more cable only to be advised recently that they still wanted strong=
 reliable wifi... I am throwing in the towel on my normal reuse mantra a=
nd am prepared to throw $$ at the problem and buy a state of the art rou=
ter.  Just trying to determine the state of the art.  I know some of you=
 guys are network knowledgeable so what say you.  I have a 2 story house=
, around 3K SF and looking to provide some signal in the yard as well. I=
 thought we had discussed this recently but the most recent that I could=
 find in the archive is 2011. I hope to pull the trigger on something fr=
om Amazon or newegg tonight or tomorrow. TIA! Matt BarreColumbus, GA   
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<div>I have been messing around with my home network for many months a l=
ittle here and there with mixed results.</div>
<div>I had been planning to make use of some old b/g routers to add rang=
e but after running cat5e around the house found that the old routers di=
dn't have the capability to set for AP only. &nbsp;I thought the wife an=
d daughters would be happy with wired so ran some more cable only to be =
advised recently that they still wanted strong reliable wifi...</div>
<div>I am throwing in the towel on my normal reuse mantra and am prepare=
d to throw $$ at the problem and buy a state of the art router. &nbsp;Ju=
st trying to determine the state of the art. &nbsp;I know some of you gu=
ys are network knowledgeable so what say you. &nbsp;I have a 2 story hou=
se, around 3K SF and looking to provide some signal in the yard as well.=
<div>I thought we had discussed this recently but the most recent that I=
 could find in the archive is 2011.</div>
<div>I hope to pull the trigger on something from Amazon or newegg tonig=
ht or tomorrow.</div>
<div>Matt Barre</div>
<div>Columbus, GA</div>


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