After getting tired of fooling around with boosters, antennas, etc, I
finally ran a Cat 6 direct burial cable out to the shop, which is a
metal pole barn, and being such, relatively impervious to WiFi. That
solved the problem of connecting my shop computer to the net (but of
course raises the whole other issue of time wasting net surfing out in
the shop...). Anyway, now I could use wifi out in the shop since my
iPad and phone can't connect to the wifi inside the shop. I have a four
port switch out there I am using to connect the computer and my solar
panel stuff to, so I have room for an access point. I'm looking for a
recommendation for an inexpensive, reliable access point; I don't need a
booster or range extender since it's only got to work inside my 24 x 48
foot shop building.