> maybe what you call it... I need to 'dimple' a piece of
> metal just like a rim
> is dimpled where it fits over the wheel studs... for the same
> reason... I'm
> making this (see links) and can't figure how to deform the
> metal into the
> right shape... hyd press with a rounded rod ??
For accuracy, I'm thinking you'll want a die that fits all 5 stud holes plus
a raised center section to engage the center hole; plus a pin that will fit
a stud hole in the die and an un-punched hole in your "wheel", and a punch
that will slide into each stud hole in the die.
So initially, the die will be located to the wheel by the center hole and
one lug hole; and the punch will be located to the die through the lug hole
that it is punching. Once you've punched the first hole, put a bolt & lug
nut through that hole to keep the die in place against the "wheel" while you
punch the other 4 holes.
To make the die, you could lay out the center circle and the bolt circle,
then the 5 lug locations. Center punch, drill & ream the lug holes, then
counter-sink them at the appropriate angle, extra deep to account for the
material you're going to take off next. Also drill & ream a center hole to
a convenient size, so you can mount it in the lathe and face off enough
material to create a raised section to engage the center hole in the
"wheel". If you don't have a lathe that big, you might be able to cobble up
some sort of hole saw to outline the raised section, then mill, grind or
file the other metal away.
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