Any reason not to get a wireless router? Two stories shouldn't be too
far for it to work and if it is, relocate your router to the main
floor and you can easily cover the whole house. A decent wireless
router and a USB wireless adapter are probably no more expensive than
the powerline stuff you're looking at and you can connect any device
you want from anywhere in your house if you ever want to add more.
On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 6:05 PM, Tom Shirley <> wrote:
> My home is 2 stories with a basement and the router is on the top floor.
> I'd like to be able to set up a small computer in the basement using a
> powerline network adapter. There are a lot of them on sale on eBay and the
> prices are from cheap to not so cheap.
> Any suggestions or recommendations?
> Tom Shirley