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Re: [Shop-talk] Need a new multimeter

To: Shop Talk <>
Subject: Re: [Shop-talk] Need a new multimeter
From: Brian Kennedy <>
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 16:49:59 -0400
References: <> <>
David, I find the Radio Shack VOMS are not very accurate. I Googled VOM
reviews and bought whatever was recommended. They work pretty well except the
banana plugs from other cables don't stay in very well. I'm on the road, so I
don't have the info about the VOMs with me.
Brian Kennedy

On Oct 31, 2012, at 10:45 AM, David Scheidt wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 8:39 PM, Scott <>
>> I suspect my multimeter isn't 100%. The continuity test won't always alarm
>> when I touch the probes, the needle doesn't sweep very well, etc. ,etc. I
>> just put new batteries in it, so I'm thinking it might be the meter
>> So who likes their meter and what kind do you have? I'd like to be using
>> this thing tomorrow, so ideally I can get a decent one from Radio Shack,
>> Ace, etc., but if I really want a whatever I can only get online, I can
>> a few days for it to be overnighted. I don't make a living with the thing,
>> but I'd like to enjoy using it, as opposed to the one I have now which
>> from Home Depot (or Lowe's) and I always questioned.
>> What does the hive mind say?
> I've got a ~$20 extech one.  came with a type k thermocouple, works
> fine, seems more likely to last past the first drop.
> Whatever you buy, do yourself a favor and get a kit of probes.  It's
> ncie to have ones with clips sometimes, it's nice to have a set that
> are six feet long, it's nice to have plunger clips, but you don't want
> to use any of these all the time.
> --
> David Scheidt
> _

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