On 1/17/2012 10:04 AM, John T. Blair wrote:
> At 09:42 AM 1/17/2012, Peter J. Thomas wrote:
> >I've had similar problems especially with the toilets. I quieted it
> by cutting back
> >the flow with the shut off value.
> I think Peter may have something there. If the washer is broken in
> the shut off
> valve, either at the sink or in input to the dish washer, it would
> cause that.
> When I was in San Diego, I had a friend that had that with one of the
> sinks. I
> replaced the washers and it solved the problem.
In my case the when the valve opened it would be hammered with too much
pressure, bouncing back and partially closing. At the right pressure it
would oscillate. Since turning on the sink solves the problem this may
be cause. Sounds exactly like what happening here. Turning on the sink
reduces the pressure and the noise stops. John's case I would run the
dishwasher and while it's making the noise start closing the shutoff
valve until the noise stops.
I always cut back the shutoff valves to the toilets, dishwasher and
clothes washer to avoid surprises in the shower. Only down side is
slower fill times.
Peter T.
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