On Tue, 27 Dec 2011, Todd Walke wrote:
> Trying to picture what you're describing.
> How about 90-degree needle-nose pliers? Something like this:
> <http://www.toolking.com/1/crescent_8886cvn_curved_needle_nose_pliers_1051793267.php>
> Is that close?
To be honest, I didn't think the tool I'm looking for existed, because
I can't even envision how they'd work. Until, that is, I described it
to my father, and he claimed to have one ;)
After seeing how many different ways people on this list interpreted my
description, I'm considering the possibility that my father also
misunderstood me, and doesn't really have what I'm looking for. I have
asked him for a picture, but no one should hold their breath, despite him
being a professional photographer for several decades.
Through the miracle of Google Sketchup, I just made this picture to
show what I'm thinking of...
The better news is, I was able to find that a specific little
plastic part on my '86 is still available from Toyota, for $2. So I just
broke the one on the car removing it by force, and don't necessarily need
this tool anymore. Doesn't mean I don't want one for next time, though.
David Hillman