He has a couple of commercial waste oil heaters, made for this use. They will
burn just about any oil. He puts motor oil in them and possibly old cooking
oil. They probably exhaust the combustion byproducts outside, and have a heat
exchanger and fan to blow hot air inside, just like the normal natural gas
furnaces that we use in homes here. Do a google search for "waste oil heater"
and you will find lots of manufacturers.
> On 11/30/2011 11:11 AM, bjshov8 at tx.rr.com wrote:
> > I take my used oil to my father's garage and he uses it in his heater to
> > heat his building.
> I have no idea, so I'm just asking: is that safe? There's stuff in used
> motor oil that I wouldn't want burned then in the air anywhere near me.
> I guess if your dad's not dead it can't be *too* lethal.