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[Shop-talk] My equivalent of a nuclear meltdown.....

Subject: [Shop-talk] My equivalent of a nuclear meltdown.....
From: bjshov8 at (bjshov8 at
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2011 11:01:25 -0400
I wonder if some places are exactly the opposite.  On an episode of "Dirty 
Jobs" they were catching various animals that were going under peoples' houses. 
 Every one of them they basically took across the street and let go, but they 
did try to patch the holes under the house where the animals were getting in.  
IIRC this was somewhere in California, which sounds about right for them.

> If you care about such things you may want to look into what your local laws
> are regarding catch&release.  Around here it's very much illegal to do so
> with skunks/gophers/opossums/etc as they're rabies vectors.

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