Some cars with external coolers and hoses can be changed this way-
Remove the pan, drain the fluid, replace the pan.
Fill up with as much fluid as you can put in it close to its theoretical full
Pull the supply line off of the cooler and stick it in a bucket.
Start the car and let it idle, and watch the fluid that pumps out, when the
fluid stops or changes color to new fluid, turn off the engine.
Fill up to the proper level.
With my old car you could pull the pan and drain out maybe 6 or 8 quarts, but
you could pour 16 quarts into the trans and using the method above pump almost
all of it back out before it switched from pumping old dirty fluid to clean
> I just change my fluid and clean out the pan, and replace the filter.
> The drawback is that a simple fluid change doesn't change all the oil.
> In the Eurovan about 40% is still in the torque converter.
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