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[Shop-talk] Phone overload

To: <>
Subject: [Shop-talk] Phone overload
From: "Mark Miller" <>
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2011 12:44:12 -0800
Thanks for all the advice.  The second line may not be an option.  I had 
a second line for dialup but disconnect when I got the cable modem.  The 
first line went bad so the phone company  switched to main line to the 
second.  The service tech told me it was a good thing I had had it 
because he may not have been able to use any other lines; old lines and 
pretty much used up.

Cell phone is not an option, only signal we get is standing in the 
rafter at one end of the house.

Of the advice the internet phone might be an option, if cheap enough.

But this does address the root problem.  I need to trim her habit.  
Giving in and giving her very own line sends the opposite message.  
Equally I need to trim the habit of her friends which is most of the 
problem.   If anyone knows of parental phone line technology I'm all ears.

Peter Thomas

Go oldschool: put in a payphone and give her a phone allowance each month. 

And it will help the next generation know what those things are.

Or go new and get her and her friends to use Skype instead.


With three boys, no phone overload issues  
Suggested annual donation  $12.96

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