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Re: [Shop-talk] Sealing A/C registers

To: PJ McGarvey <>, Shop Talk <>
Subject: Re: [Shop-talk] Sealing A/C registers
From: Doug Braun <>
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2007 13:22:17 -0800 (PST)
My ceiling fan has a whole bunch of hinged louvers
that lift up when the fan runs.  They fit together
pretty well when closed, but there are still a lot of
joints where air can leak through, and the thin
aluminum sheet does not have any insulating ability. 
So I want something that will better block any air
leakage and insulate better.  Unfortunately the design
of the fan does not make it easy to put something over
the top of it, in the attic.   The 3x3 sheet of
foam-core is very light, and it will have 12 feet of
magnetic strip holding it up, so the paint should not
have to be especially attractive.

A couple of weeks ago I put weatherstripping around
the pull-down attic stairs, and I added a removable
hold-up bolt that will press the door more tightly
against the weatherstripping.  That seems to have had
a noticeable effect on reducing the amount of heat
needed upstairs.

--- PJ McGarvey <> wrote:

> Hmm, magnetic paint, sounds like an idea!  Let me
> know how that goes.  I'm
> guessing you might need to experiment with how many
> coats to put on to get the
> magnetic material to stick.
> I'm sealing off the A/C vents in the ceiling b/c the
> louvers don't close
> completely on them, and in the heating season, I
> don't want heat to rise into
> them (even just a little bit).
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