Joel's point still stands: it could easily
be someone else's machine that is the zombie.
That said, my suggestion is to get accounts
at, and gradually migrate your
contacts over. There are a few benefits to
1) You can filter out the spoofed emails
2) You can easily accept email elsewhere,
in case of emergency/host down/etc.
3) You can set up various aliases (the limit
depends on the type of account you have)
so that you can redirect mail as it
comes to your machine. This is very
useful for mailing lists.
4) You can also filter out a huge percentage
of non-spoof spam you get. I only get
about 5% of the spam sent to me, and I
haven't updated my filters in ages.
5) If you change ISPs, redirecting your email
is a breeze.
It can also help your email get through. If you
are on an ISP that someone has blocklisted, you
might not always be able to email someone at that
other site. I don't know of anyone who blocks (I'm sure there is someone, somewhere)
and I don't have any trouble getting my email