Doug asks about delivery. Doug, I have a Bendpak 2 post lift. I have a
forklift, pallet jacks, long straight driveway, AND a backhoe and delivery
was a pain! The problem is that the posts are longer than the truck is
wide. That means that it's shipped in there lenghwise. After trying a
bunch of different methods, what worked best was lifting the unit with the
backhoe, and driving the truck out from under it. Once it was out of the
truck, you could unpack it and move it pretty easy with just 2 guys.
Failing a backhoe, chaining the package to a tree and having the truck pull
away would work if you were careful with getting the first side down, and
used a tailgate lift on the truck for the second end. I doubt many drivers
would like this option, however. Inch "We all know we're dying, And there's
no sign of a parachute." Tori Amos