At 11:53 AM 1/4/2007 -0500, Mullen, Tim wrote:
>STP was popular at the time too. Four or five "empty" cans of STP would
>pretty much make a new can (that stuff was thick and clingy...
I wonder if they still make that stuff? Back in the early '70s when I was
in the Navy I had an old '63 BMW R60 motorcycle. On a long trip from
Houston to San Diego I ran it low on oil and partially seized the
engine. Later found the pistons scuffed and the rings frozen. I was broke
at the time, and ran it on 50/50 STP and straight 40 weight for about two
months before I had the cash for a top end rebuild. It ran, barely, and
smoked like a mosquito fogger (remember those?) but it got me to work and
back every day.
Dave C