or something like that.
I just read an article about rust removal. The author had been a happy
user of Evapo-Rust, which was apparently safe and effective, and could be
poured down the drain.
He decided that $15/gallon was high enough to warrant some experimentation.
Their site mentions that it uses chelation to remove the rust, so
he went looking for other chelating agents.
He found molasses.
If molasses is mixed with water 1:9, it's supposed to remove rust. He
tried it - a 12 oz jar of molasses into a gallon container, fill
with water, close enough.
Yes, it works. Slowly - he checks parts every couple of days.
It doesn't, apparently, remove just the rust;
he used copper-clad steel MIG wire to suspend the part, and the copper
was removed. He tried a piece of brass and found that some of the
zinc was removed (color changed to be more coppery).
I haven't tried this, but it seemed worth passing along - maybe
just for the reference to Evapo-Rust http://www.evaporust.com/ !