Hi Karl!
Good catch regarding the hot plug - I probably would have arrived at
that conclusion about the time I tightened up the last connection <grin>
- and then again I might not have caught it until I got zapped. The box
is very doable.
Thanks for the tip
Happy New Year!
Karl Vacek said the following on 29/12/2006 2:56 PM:
> You may want to rethink the male plug aspect. When the circuit is
> normally powered, the prongs of that male plug will be hot.
> How about adding a receptacle to serve the pump and then when the power
> goes off you can unplpug the pump from the house circuit and plug it
> into an extension cord to your generator ??
> Happy New Year !!
> Karl
>> I propose cutting each circuit between the breaker and switch, and
>> installing a suitably rated three prong female plug on the breaker
>> side of the cut and a three prong male plug on the switch side of the
>> cut. This would give me the ability, during power outages, to kill
>> the breaker, unplug the device, and then plug it into a 12/3 extension
>> cord running from my generator