As I build my garagemahal I plan on getting a 4 post lift in the
future. I hadn't specified anything beyond code on the slab. Does a
4 post require more than 4" of 3000#? I am not worried about the
contractor scrimping though... He did a great job with the block
foundation walls - He put plenty of steel in along with several
deadmen buried back in the foundation without me prompting. He also
has plenty of rod still sticking way up that will get bend into the
slab when we pour later this week.
-- "Larry Spector" <> wrote:
Check out:
For the biggest 2-posts, you'll need 6" of 3000psi concrete. When I
built my garage, I had this done- along with rebar side to side for
extra strength. I eventually went with a 4-post instead (Bendpak HD-
9), but the concrete's good enough for either.