If I had this set up in my house, I would be inclined to press the
button before I needed the hot water, such as when I was getting ready
to cook dinner, then a few minutes later when I needed the hot water,
it would be there. It may not be as hot as if I waited for the hot
water to get there, but it would certainly be hotter than the cold
water in the pipes.
wmc_st@xxiii.com wrote:
> At 09:43 AM 11/11/2006, Pat Horne wrote:
>> I've also seen a system that used a pump and a thermostatic valve,
>> plus a control circuit. Before you turn on the hot water you press a
> It's a nice idea. But I don't think it's going to get hot water at the
> faucet any quicker than just running it down the sink would.
> So what does it really gain? If you're in one of those over-populated
> drought stricken parts of the country, it might save some water, I
> s'pose. Otherwise, it sounds like unnecessary complexity.
> -Wayne
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