On Wed, 25 Oct 2006, Rush wrote:
> I need to connect computers in two different rooms to the cable modem
> and I have lots of questions. I already have an ethernet in each room
> connecting all the computers in it. I figure I can use wireless,
> powerline or wired ethernet to link them up.
There have been a number of good answers here already, but I'll throw my
two cents in as well.
I'm assuming from your description of the setup is that you have two rooms
each with a few computers, and that a) the machines in each room are
networked to each other and b) the rooms are connected to one another.
Wireless is slightly more complicated than just connecting up and going.
The typical setup, as you've found, is Access Point and Client. The AP
bridges the wireless and wired networks. Two APs would appear to be the
solution, but alas, it is more complicated than that.
One easy solution I offer is 10Mb phoneline connectivity (HPNA 2.0).
Equipment is cheap ($30 for each end), and uses existing (non-dedicated)
phone lines (up to 1000 feet of total length). Dead simple to install as
well, completely plug-and-play. Web configuration if you want to customize
it or set up all of the units' features.
Additional bonuses depend on the equipment. The units I have:
also each have an 802.11g access point built in, so you could seamlessly
extend your wireless coverage throughout your location (use the same
encryption and SSID) as well. It does have a built-in DSL modem as well,
but since you're cable...
It will not, however, double as your firewall/router, since the "outside"
interface is the DSL modem.
There are a 1800HW on eBay right now for the same price that would act as
your firewall/router on your cable, plus your HPNA bridge, 4-port
FastEthernet switch and an 801.11b AP...
Peter Murray (N3IXY)
Oak Hill, VA