I'm looking for a welder that I hope I never have to
use-one for the race trailer. I prefer mig and a
small package that stows w/o kinking the cable hose.
I have a 90 amp that takes up too much space and isn't
quite effective enough for me. I would need to weld
.035"-.250" mild steel. 120 vac or battery operated
input. I'm well equipped in the shop, this would be
for field use only.
Anyone have experience w/the battery powered Ready
Welder or Go Welder or another battery powered unit?
These things look like fun but I don't know how well
they'd handle light gage tube.
I'd consider a v. small 120 vac machine that's not a
toy(I can't afford the $1800 list Miller)? I guess I
would consider stick, but haven't done it in 30 yaers
and then I was welding boilerplate.