My shed is falling apart. At 8 x 12 it isn't big enough to store all my
stuff either. I'm restricted by covenant to 200 sq. ft and external
materials matching the house. Of course the covenant doesn't say
anything about height, so I want to make my new shed as tall as
practical without looking odd. I'd like to fill the overhead volume with
storage of all types so I want to build it with open rafters instead of
using trusses. Last, but definitely not least, SHMBO would like a
potting and planting area for her garden work. Tim Carter of Ask the
Builder posted this shed project
but has yet to publish the ebook. I like the floor plan as my wife's
potting area could be the little extension of the L. Plus it wouldn't
look like every other shed on the block. (No I won't be using the fancy
finishing materials Tim did, but it still has to look nice.)
As an mechanical engineer I know a little about structural strength, but
I know nothing about constructing roofs or designing in wood. Is there a
good source were I can learn everything I need to know about building a
roof like this so it is strong enough, considering the added height and
open rafters, and goes together like a dream?