>5 - be prepared for blast medium everywhere
> - - - even vacuum filters don't stop this
I disagree on this part, I built one 5 years ago and I have NO
beads in my garage, if you are getting beads in your garage that also
means you are breathing them and you should be wearing a filter. I
don't wear a filter but I built it with no filter in mind, I built
the kit but purchased the TPtools dust extraction (fancy name for a
vacuum that really sucks) and exhaust it to the outside of my
garage. I also sealed up the cabinet as if I was building a boat,
the only beads I get are some on the floor at the doorway when I open
the door, if I forgot to blow that area out with the blow gun prior to opening.
> - - - and glass beads on the floor are like walking on ice
that I fully agree with...look out.
Mike Rambour
Bug Writer err...Programmer mikey@b2systems.com
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