At 01:28 PM 3/17/2006, you wrote:
>Derek.... like you I've had nothing but impeccable service and
>quality out of them.... so I'll second the fact that they are a
>GREAT company....
They certainly seem to have some unique and good products. But [just
the facts] in my experience, they don't have a friggin' clue about
appropriate Internet marketing practices. Offering my email address
ONCE for ONE request is not license to spam the crap out of me which
they DID. Despite gripes to their postmaster@ address and their ISP,
reports to, and ultimately a REJECT entry in access.db on
my sendmail server (I run our email server at work, and have the
option to do that, thankfully.)
I sincerely hope they've seen the light, and aren't doing that
garbage any more. But the only way I know do dissuade spammers is
refuse to do business with them, and suggest the same to as many
others as possible.
-Wayne [pissed off all over again]