OK, I was thinking of taking on a pretty major project this winter.
Check out these pics (link on one line)
It's a Polecat for my unimog. Now, I found out that this unit was a
prototype and is the only one ever made like it.
So, I decided it would be cool to restore it. I'm not looking for a real
clean restore to showroom or anything. But I want to clean it up, paint
and make it pretty.
Problem is that this thing is a bear and even the pieces by itself are huge
and weigh alot.
With a car, even a frame up restore, it's easy compared to this.
Does anyone have a link to a site with information on how i should go about
this? Being a prototype, there is no manuals that I can find, nor are
replacement parts going to be accessable.
So, what's the collective wisdom say here?
I was thinking of mounting it to a trailer so I can move it and using the
gantry crane to pull peices off of it.
"Did you exchange, a walk-on part in the war,
for a lead role in a cage?" R Waters.