I have a KenowaTools 3500 generator which died after 5 hours of use.
The output AC voltage dropped to around 80v and the engine started
to run rough. This was during a power failure and was powering my
refrigerator to save the frozen foods. Anyway, I started it yesterday,
it ran a short time - no AC output voltage - then the engine died
and would not restart. Anyone have experience with this generator
and this problem? Before I start disassembling it I'd like to get some
advise. I'm thinking an electronic problem - did I mention I also powered
a Mr. Coffee? - and ---- a TV, don't forget the computer --- lights?
yes lights. Oh, one other think, I may have been running it on
100 octane unleaded racing gasoline but I think it was mixed with
93 pump gas. Any advice would be helpful.