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Re: home networking

Subject: Re: home networking
From: Trevor Boicey <>
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 11:25:00 -0400 wrote:
> I am beyond happy to have someone else say that.  I must have heard a
> thousand times - even from our isc guy, "get a wireless router".
> true, you'd either have to be treking through the woods or in my
> front yard to get a signal, but from time to time client information
> might go from the office to my p.c. if I do something from home and
> that's just a chance I'm not willing to take.  I know you can make it
> all but impossible to get in if you x, y, and z, but with wired
> connections I *know* there's no way (or at least no way with a
> sniffer driving down the street) that you're getting anything.

   To turn this around though, anything going to your office in 
cleartext will go through a dozen other machines where people can view 
your packets.

   Basically, you should use encrypted sessions for ANYTHING you don't 
want people to see that leaves your house in any way.

   For this discussion though, the "leaves your house" is the key part. 
If your whole network is wireless and not encrypted, not only can people 
use your internet (and they will) but they can see the files you share 
around your house, even print on your printer if they want to mess with you.

   Encryption on wireless stops this, and reasonably protects 
communications between your home PCs, but you should still encrypt 
anything that leaves your house on the internet in general unless you 
don't mind it being read. (like this email for example)

   How do you send 'client information to the office', what software and 
what protocols?

> having said that, I might put a wireless access point in the backyard
> someday, if I ever convince myself it'd be secure enough to surf back
> there (see above kiddie porn concerns).  but I'll never connect to it
> with a computer that might see client information.  I just don't want
> to have that conversation if the worst were to happen.

   Unless your client is the CIA, WPA encryption should be acceptable 
for this purpose. It's still at this point theoretically strong (no 
known exploits or provable existance of an exploit)

Trevor Boicey, P. Eng.
Ottawa, Canada,
ICQ #17432933

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