At 08:57 PM 2/8/2005 -0800, Richard George wrote:
> Which fuel is gonna be cheaper
>going forward (oil, gas, or...?).
Man, if I knew that, I would be making a fortune in the futures
market right now....however, you can bet all fuels are going to be more
expensive in the future, and the prices will go up right before
winter....That being said, if you have natural gas piping in the
neighborhood, it could a very competitive alternative. We have propane,
and I don't even ask what it costs any more. (Excuse me while I put
another couple of logs in the stove.) You might also want to look into
heat pumps. Your local electric utility may have a customer service
department that can do cost and operational cost comparisons, too.
>I was also thinking of getting an electrostatic air cleaner stuffed in -
>any thoughts on this?
My brother in law has one and is very happy with it. No problems
that I know of over ten years or more. Not a lot on them to go wrong.
Dave C