On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 07:47:32 -0400, Lyn Fatt, Brian A
<brian.lynfatt@eds.com> wrote:
> I screwed up and got some gear oil spilled in my
> truck. Anyone know how to clean this up? It's
> Valvoline synthetic gear oil. It stinks to high
> heaven and I get almost an instantaneous headache
> when I get in the truck now. Short of replacing the
> seat cover and cushion, anyone else been successful
> in cleaning up gear oil from their seats? I'm going
> to call Valvoline on Monday to see what they say
> too.
Find a Land-Rover owner, and sell it to him. We're all either
congenitally unable to smell gear oil, or so used to it we'd never
notice. If you've really got it in a seat cushion, you're going to be
living with it for a while.