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Re: is the carport sturdy?

To: "Lee Daniels" <>, <>
Subject: Re: is the carport sturdy?
From: Dave C <>
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 19:50:37 -0800
I have built two "shed roof" carports using 4 x 4s for supports.  I also 
used 6 posts per bay. The first one was a 3 bay, the second one was a 4 
bay.  On the second one I put each post at least 3 to 4 feet down and put 
at least 3 sacks of concrete on each post.  I also put diagonal wind 
bracing in both directions.  Roofing on both is galvanized ribbed steel, no 
sheathing, although I did nail 1 x 4 strips about 16" or so on center 
across the rafters.   No problems.  The first one had almost 2 feet of wet 
snow on it once.

I have a full set of pictures I can send out on CD if anyone is interested, 
or if anyone wants to post on a web site.

Dave C

At 09:01 AM 3/23/2004 -0600, Lee Daniels wrote:
>My dad is building a small carport; just enough to keep the sun off his car
>during the summer. He sunk six 4x4's and is now working on the rafters.  Now
>he says he wonders if the 4x4's are strong enough, since it wobbles when
>he's on top.  I'm thinking that it will firm up when the sheathing is put on
>the rafters.  You can see a photo of it here:

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