> <snip> I was
> curious how I can let the gas motor continue to run without overpressuring
> the tank? Is there some kinda bypass I should use?
Compressors used with gas engines, and often high-hp electric compressors as
well, use unloader mechanisms. The engine or motor turns the compressor
over constantly, but when the system is up to pressure the compressor stops
Typically, this consists of a pneumatic diaphragm assembly mounted on each
intake valve, and when the system is up to pressure a valve trips and
actuates the diaphragm, which holds the intake valves open. Exhaust valves
are usually spring-loaded rather than cam-operated, so with no pressure
developed in the cylinders, the compressor just breathes in and out of the
intakes until more air is needed.
Your alternative would be to use a second pop valve on the tank, set a bit
below the pressure of the safety valve (assuming you have one already), and
just relieve any excess pressure that way. Less efficient, since you're
compressing all the time, but for quick and dirty, it'll work.
Karl Vacek