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Re: Gotta hit the archives

To: "Mark and Susan Miller" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Gotta hit the archives
From: "Keith Turk" <>
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 07:05:35 -0600
Mark... that sounds wonderful...

Don't forget there is a list here called shop talk...

My shop is a 28' X 48' and it's just become the right size again after I
started downloading the stuff I've collected over the last 9 yrs...

There is a picture of it on my old website...

Keith ( yeah I love hanging out in the shop... that would be one of my joy's
in life )

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark and Susan Miller" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2003 11:15 PM
Subject: Gotta hit the archives

> Hi all.  I wanted to crow that I'm soon to leave the small shop life I've
> living in suburban Alameda and moving to a place where I can build one
> some size to it.  I'll call it the country, many of you wouldn't; it's
> Sebastopol in western Sonoma county, CA.
> Take this as a warning of tons of questions to follow (after checking
> the archives to avoid the 'you should have looked that up first' posts).
> size (aiming for what I consider big but that will seem small in two
> tractor issues (the place came with a Ford 1100 with mower and I think
> attachments), trash trailer and pickup needs, and then on to using this
> as I build us a house.
> Brace yourselves.  And thanks in advance.
> Mark Miller

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