I've done the shelf bit a number of times and different ways.
If it was me and don't need something real special, I'd go to
Lowes/HomeDepot/HomeBase and check out what they have
in the HD shelving.
However, I must say that recently, while doing some Christmas
shopping at COSTCO I noticed that they had recently added a
very nice looking Very HD shelving at reasonable cost. However,
this is still not warehouse shelving.
I once had to outfit my business warehouse (10k sq. ft.) and did it
all with second-hand shelving. This was STOUT STUFF!! Could
have parked a car on it! Designed to hold ton's of cartons, etc.
Price wasn't too bad, considering it was used.
Good luck
> >
> > My first question pertains to affordable yet heavy duty shelving
options. Are there any ideas whether to build free-standing shelves from
scratch vs. trying to find them surplus?
> >
> > Retro-Rick
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