Wow, are we off topic? Maybe not. TTFN is easy. "ta ta for now".
"Webspeak" is pretty easy for me after 20 years in the military. My
favorites obviously have a GI flavor, with the beat one being ERMA - "Easily
Recognizable Military Acronym." If you got confused in a briefing you
needed to "get your GOAT". "Glossary of Acronyms & Terms." I know there
was even an acronym for the guy in charge of keeping the GOAT, but the only
acronym title I can remember is the "FAGO" - "Fun & Games Officer" (The guy
who always had his hand out on payday, but made sure we were all in good
cheer at the O-Club, even when the "Club" was an unheated tent 300 miles
above the arctic circle.)
My quick list of webspeak (as fast as I can type) is pretty generic.
FWIW - for what it's worth
LOL - Laughing out loud
HBLOL - Head back, Laughing out loud. (Also HWBLOL - Head way back...
IMHO - In my humble opinion
AFAIK - As far as I know
G - Grin (BG - Big Grin)
Anyone else have any more?
Chuck Rothfuss
List Junkie
Pole Cat Hollow, NC
At 02:56 PM 1/11/2001 -0600, you wrote:
>ok..... we need to start a list.....
>there are some I don't know...or my brain has forgotten TTFN??? CYA I
>know and have been doing for years
>somebody get some paper and get started and everyone else send in the
/// mailing list