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RE: Safety Chains

To: Chuck Rothfuss <>,
Subject: RE: Safety Chains
From: Mike Rambour <>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 20:32:32 -0800
>    While we're talking trailers, does anyone do anything special when
>securing their cars on trailers?  Like a kinda fail-safe chain around a
>stout chassis member in case of an accident which might cause the car to

   I DO now !!!

   I used to use 2 inch nylon straps to hold the car down and one time the 
chafing cut through one.  I was not aware of it until I came to a stop on 
the freeway offramp and the car slid into the front of the trailer which 
caused the front tie down to come off the car and being on a hill the car 
promptly rolled off the back of the trailer.  Who knows how long the car 
had been loose and luckily the parking brake was on but not properly 
adjusted, it allowed the car roll a little.  No damage but I learned my lesson.

   Now I have a nice big "D" ring welded to the front of the trailer and a 
dedicated length of chain with a shackle that goes around the front frame 
member whenever I tow.  I also like to use real chain for at least one rear 


~~~~~ I'd rather be sailing ~~~~~~~and \/    \/  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mike Rambour                              .oooO  Oooo.
Bug Writer er...Programmer            (   )   (   )
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