On Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 07:48:55PM -0500, Chuck Rothfuss wrote:
> That kinda makes me wonder how mice and other rodents would react to other
> natural smells. How about if you skipped the outdoor cat population and
> just put some smelly litter box samples from the inside cats around the
> barn. Would that make the rodents think there were cats living there, or
> would they just think you had a smelly barn?
One of my local garden stores sells predator urine for discouraging
pests. I know that they collect it from captive predators
but I keep getting this image of some poor guy chasing a mountain
lion with a beaker in hand, calling "here kitty kitty..."]
My lawn has a terrible gopher problem so I tried peeing on
the gopher mounds. It wasn't all that effective but I'm a
vegetarian so maybe my pee dosen't smell predator... maybe
after a couple big macs it'd work.
I have some sort of rodent which I havn't seen that collects
acorns and puts them in the exaust pipes of my motorcycles.
I set out some rodent bait in the back corners of the garage
and a couple months later picked up a motorcycle muffler that
had been laying on the workbench and had rodent bait (and
acorns) dribble out.
Eric Murray www.lne.com/~ericm ericm at the site lne.com PGP keyid:E03F65E5