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Re: The Ideal Shop HELP

Subject: Re: The Ideal Shop HELP
From: Gordon Glasgow <>
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999 20:57:43 -0800
I have both books, and had the same reaction as you. The first one was about
construction, not planning. The second one is better (has a whole section of
layouts for different size spaces) and probably worth the money IMO. But if you
are looking for a whole book of shop layouts, this isn't it. I've never seen

On the subject of Classic Motorbooks, the real benefit (besides being able to
actually GET the book) is to find out what is being published. If I see one in
CMB that looks good, I'll go to Barnes & Noble and see if they have it, so I
can actually look at it. I may buy it there or I may buy it from CMB. Depends
on how much cash I have in my pocket.

"John L. Viviani II" wrote:

> > I have that book, and I'm not too impressed with it.
> What I was getting at
> >There is another book I see by the same author called "Ultimate
> > Auto Workshop Design & Planning" which might be better.  At least it
> > doesn't have "build" in the title.  I haven't bought it yet, so I would
> > love to hear from someone who has.
>  This is the other book I was referring to. Same book dimensions, same
> number of pages, same author, just differnet number of photos,. I to would
> like to know if there is a difference
> > Regarding Classic Motorbooks, how does this company still exist?  I used
> to
> > get their catalogs and buy stuff from them, but then Amazon and others
> came
> > along.  Classic Motorbooks charges full retail.  I can buy the exact same
> > books for about 20% off elsewhere.
> >
> Easy. I have Amazon and Barnes and Noble looking for books that they don't
> inventory. But found at Classic. I have now finished reading two of them,
> still getting updates from Amazon and B&N that they are looking. Really
> Classic prices are not that far off from other net stores and no different
> from the real world.
> Gino

Gordon Glasgow

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