At 03:20 PM 1/29/99 -0800, Bob Moore wrote:
>Since it is so much of a hassle to move my derelict projects to the car
>wash each time, and a pressure washer makes a hell of a mess on your own
>property, I have settled on scraping the bid chunks off onto
>cardboard/newspaper etc, then taking a scrub brush and a 2-3lb container
>of go-jo/lanolin hand cleaner, and scrubing down everything I can reach.
>Get it nice and liquidy, then just hose it down with a garden hose- I
>hardly by solvent anymore, and my hands are always nice and clean
Try Simple Green in a plastic spray bottle. Lots cheaper than hand cleaner,
less toxic than carb cleaner. I've tried the spray degreasers like Gunk,
etc and they don't work as well as Simple Green. Scrape first, use Simple
Green everywhere, then hit the remaining bad spots with carb or brake
cleaner. Carb cleaner cuts through more stuff but leaves a residue. Brake
cleaner doesn't cut as much but leaves no residue. If you really want to
get obsessive about it, use carb cleaner first, THEN brake cleaner to
remove the carb cleaner!
Besides, the lanolin in the hand cleaner will still have to be cleaned off
the parts.
Gordon Glasgow
Renton, WA