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Re: Cool Tools

To: shop-talk@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Cool Tools
From: "John T. Blair" <>
Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 18:47:58 -0500
At 05:39 AM 12/3/98 -0500, you wrote:
>DBavery1 asked me about my blast cabinet in private email, but I thought 
>that maybe others would like to hear a little tip that I use.
>I have a cheap HF blast cabinet that I got a couple of years ago.
>I am NOT at all happy with it.   It is to small and used to leak media all 
>over the place.   I have made modification to it...

I'll through in my 2cents.  I have the plastic cabnet and really love it.
However, it is only good realitvely small jobs.  For bigger jobs, I can
use the bigger cabinet at my dads or I go out in the driveway and use the
pressure blaster.

I like its portability as it gets moved to any place in the shop that I'm
not standing at the time.  However, I had to make 1 mod. to it and want to
make a 2nd.

The problem I have is that the syphon pick tube would float up out of the 
sand.  So what I did, was take a piece of AL. flashing and cut a couple of
strips and bent them around the pickup tube.  I flattened out the ends of
the U and pop rivited it into the base of the box.  Works great! 

Then 2nd problem is the "suction" tube for the vacuum.   They just stick it
in a hole on the side of the cabinet.  I want to make 2 more Us and pop rivit
this tube to the back of the case.

Other than that, I really enjoy mine.  BTW to blast with it, I don't have any
room in the garage, plus it leaks quite a bit of sand.  So I have a Black &
Decker workmate, that I built the table top that they describe out of some
scrap plywood and some 2x4s.  Then I set the cabinet on it and blast away.
The only problem I have with this cabinet is that it requires 2 extension
cords, one for the light and one for the exhaust vacuum.

As to spending $500 or more for a bigger cabinet, I have several friends
that have made large cabinets out of plywood.  The only problem with the
larger cabinets, is storage.

At my Dad's, his is set against the wall just in front of where he parks his
pickup.  His cabinet has a fan built on to it to vent the dust.  He cut a 
hole in the side of the garage and vents it outside without requiring the
use of a vacuum cleaner.  I think one of these could be built for a lot less
than $500.  Especially if you know someone that has one that you can sort-of


John T. Blair  WA4OHZ          email:
Va. Beach, Va                  Phone:  (757) 495-8229

              48 TR1800    65 Morgan 4/4 Series V
71 Saab Sonett III     75 Bricklin SV1     77 Spitfire

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